Decoration beyond Expectations

Brand Promotion in Society with our Play Area

Joy-Ride School for Lilliputs, Sec-87, Faridabad Brand Promotion in Society with our Play Area December 23, 2018

As soon as ToyExpress extended its services in Marketing & Brand Promotion, JoyRide contacted ToyExpress for its brand promotion. Joy-Ride School is one of the most premium schools in Faridabad region. It was established in the year 1993.

On December 23, 2018 Joy-Ride decided to promote itself in Grandeura Society, Sec-82, Faridabad with ToyExpress. It was Society Event which started at 11:00 am in the morning. Although ToyExpress promised to deliver its services till 7:00 PM in the evening but as response was really amazing and new kids were coming till 9:00 PM, ToyExpress extended its services till 9:30 PM with no extra charge. ToyExpress generated more than 100 leads for Joy-Ride in just one single day.

Although Joy Ride was promoting itself with their in-house team of Sport activities but they were very keen to promote themselves in nearby societies aggressively. Their sports activities were involving the kids but then it was involving the people of Joy-Ride, leaving people of Joy-Ride with no time left to talk with parents.

Their core concern was to involve with parents not with kids as they were there to promote their brand. ToyExpress resolved this problem for Joy-Ride with our Play Area. As this on-site play area is enclosed with beautiful fences and safe with soft coloured mats, parents do not enter in this area but they let their kids go inside to enjoy this play area. Parents feel safe & secure as this Play Zone is completely safe and guarded by Play Area attendants.

During this period, parents were completely free to talk. Our marketing team let these parents know about the offerings of Joy-Ride Pre School. Parents were listening to team with absolute free mind and with full interest. Also parents were really happy to see kids playing & they love the idea of promoting with Play Area. They happily provided their contact details.

ToyExpress believe in delivering a quality experience and impeccable service that is value for money.