Decoration beyond Expectations

Recalling childhood with EventsExpress through Fun Activities for Adults

(Activities based on Environmental Theme)
Orana Conventions, Gurugram-March 30, 2019

EventsExpress & T.I.C worked together on March 30 in Orana Conventions on Environment Theme. Our corporate client wanted to give a clear message about the importance of protection of environment to its employees & society.

T.I.C. was founded in 1992 with a vision to be India’s most trusted Event Solution Provider Company.We feel proud that T.I.C. has shown trust into us. TIC handover all the entertainment part to EventsExpress.

Deliver Services in Just 2 Days
TIC informs us about its requirement just two days before the event. We need to deliver no. of services in this short period of time. We also need to take care about the hygiene factor as well as environment too. We were not allowed to use any plastic product or any other thing which is harmful to environment.

Although the time was short but experience of our Entertainment Team helped them to deliver all services on time. They maintained all the measures provided by T.I.C.

EventsExpress’ Team delivers its services well before time. But as team of T.I.C. added some more things to do at last moment, our Team immediately arranged all the things on the spot. We prove ourselves once again. Our Express party services helped our client to finish all the work on time.

Activities/Games for Adults/Kids
We provided following activities in Orana Conventionsto T.I.C:
Jungle Obstacles Game
Matki Fode Game (मटकीफोड़े)
Crawl to Win Game
Spy Game
Mini Golf Game
Feed the Animal Game
Pass the Marvel Game

Happiness of people can be seen in our pictures and videos. EventsExpress understands the importance of delivering the services on time and always stick to it. We always welcome our corporate clients to use our services.